Credit Repair Today's Money Back Guarantee!
Upon completion of 12 months of our service you can request an evaluation audit of your account. We will then total the completed value of all successfully deleted/corrected items and compare that amount to what you have paid. By using the fair market value of today's standards, we will calculate a refund prorated based on the number of deletions/corrections at $60.00/each, plus and Administration Fee of $125 per individual. If what you have paid is more than the value of the deleted/corrected items we will refund you the difference.
Below are a few examples.
Example # 1 shows results which are substantially lower than our average client's results. Please keep in mind this is only an illustration of an extreme case to demonstrate how our warranty works. Obviously, if this example were our standards we wouldn't be in business today!
Please Note: If upon enrollment you have a much lesser amount of negative items as illustrated in the above examples, so few as to not equal the current warranty values, we will then assign a slightly different value to the negative items in fairness to our program.
This warranty is designed to reassure you that our only goal is to work diligently to remove as many negative accounts form your credit reports as possible. And if at the end of 12 months, we can't, we will gladly refund your money. No questions asked!
Credit Repair Today complies with the Federal Trade Commissions regulations and the Credit Repair Organization Act, in that we cannot, by law, guarantee a specific outcome or result. However, we do promise to legally do everything possible on your behalf to restore your credit, and help improve your credit scores. If at the end of twelve months, you have forwarded credit reports every ninety days and completed your commitments to the service, and you are not satisfied with our results, we will gladly offer you a refund. You must understand that the results obtained by Credit Repair Today on behalf of our clients are dependent upon numerous factors. It is your responsibility to repay debts and loans on time once enrolled in our program. It is also your responsibility to forward all information to use that you receive from the credit bureaus in a timely manner through out the credit repair process for the 12 month period.