What Is FICO 10 Score And How Will It Affect You

how does fico 10 score affect credit score

What is FICO 10 score and why should you know about it. Learn from credit experts What is FICO 10 Score? FICO 10 is the latest, more accurate, and strict version of the previous scoring models. If you are a credit cardholder or planning to calculate your score before applying for a loan, you should […]

What is a Credit Report and What Does it Include

credit report and its basics

Not sure what credit rating is? Learn what is a credit report through experts For an average American, a good credit report plays a crucial role in their financial decisions. So what makes your credit report good or bad? What are some aspects of your payments and invoices that matter while calculating your credit points?  […]

How is Credit Score Determined?

how is credit score evaluated in the US

Just how is credit score determined in the U.S? Here’s what you need to know A good credit score is very important in any financial decision. Payments and invoices contain many important aspects that must be considered when calculating your score. Let’s discuss these aspects and how they affect your credit score. How Does Credit […]

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Maintaining Good Credit

how to maintain good credit score

Here’s everything you need to do to ensure maintaining a good credit A credit line helps you fund major purchases by making smaller payments over time. These major purchases include buying a house, a car, or financing your education. To qualify for such a service, agencies and banks evaluate a person’s fiscal wellbeing by measuring […]

5 Credit Score Myths Debunked

credit score myths to forget

Stop believing these credit score myths everyone seems to be telling these days Many credit card holders have common misconceptions about their scores and aren’t aware of how credit scoring works. Because these numbers are quite important, everyone should understand exactly how credit scores work. Overcoming these myths would help you in maintaining and improving […]

Impact of Covid-19 on Credit Scores

how covid-19 has impacted credit scores of Americans

Experts reveal the impact of covid-19 on credit scores Covid-19 pandemic has brought a 32.9% decline to America’s GDP. Businesses have come to a standstill and economic activity has taken a plunge. Since then businesses and individuals are trying to get back on their feet and streamline their finances.  The dire economic conditions have forced […]

What is the FICO Score Model and How Does it Affect Your Credit Score?

fico score model

FICO Scoring Model is the most accurate and reliable model to calculate your credit score. Let’s learn in-depth about this model and how it influences your credit score. What is the FICO Score model? This scoring model was created by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) for lenders and borrowers to identify creditworthiness and assess the […]

What is Credit Restoration And How Does it Work?

what is credit restoration

Learn what is credit restoration from experts Commonly known as credit repair, credit restoration is similar to taking your report to a doctor, identifying the problems, and getting them fixed. You may have a bad credit score which can be hindering your loan request. However, by undergoing the credit restoration process, you can improve your […]

5 Proven Factors that Impact your Credit Score

factors that impact your credit score

Credit experts reveal shocking factors that impact your credit score A credit score ranges from 300 – 850. This score is used to understand the risk profile of the borrower. In other words, through credit score, the lender tries to judge how likely the borrower is going to repay his outstanding debt. Many people find […]

5 Important Questions to ask a Credit Repair Company Before Hiring It

ask a credit repair company

Important questions to ask a credit repair company There are thousands of credit repair companies working in the USA. Due to the availability of multiple options, selecting the right credit repair company becomes a daunting task. We are here to help you select the best credit repair company. We have compiled a list of 5 […]